Archive for January, 2015

National Library Legislative Day 2015

National Library Legislative Day ( NLLD) is a two day event, organized by ALA, where, Library advocates, Library supporters, Librarians, Trustees, and  Friends from across the United States, gather in Washington DC to meet with their Representatives in Congress to advocate and encourage their support for libraries.
Registration is now open for this year’s NLLD
When: May,4, 5, 2015
Where: Liaison Hotel, Capitol Hill, Washington DC.
There is a cost for the first day briefing session, but for the second day, advocates may visit their representatives at no cost.
MLA usually takes care of registration for designated  officers on the Executive committee and the MLA legislative Panel/Federal Coordinator  will  provide information  about coordinators for each district.
Over the next few months,ALA will provide us with information on issues
For more  information on NLLD. check ALA’s District Dispatch link below.

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