Archive for June, 2018

Advocacy Alert! Call Harris today (June 6) to ask for LSTA and IAL support

This is a new call for advocacy for FY19 funding–a special request from the American Library Association (ALA) Washington Office, specifically for advocates in Congressional District 1. Not sure of your District? Go to the MLA Engage site and enter your address under Find your elected officials.

As you know, ALA and library advocates have been working to preserve funding for federal libraries in the face of the administration’s proposed cuts. Many thanks for your previous efforts! We are approaching a critical juncture this month, as both the House and Senate Appropriations Committees are expected to introduce their versions of the funding bills for Fiscal Year 2019. These key Congressional committees will make decisions about which programs will receive funding – including library programs like the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) and the Innovative Approaches to Literacy (IAL) program.

Congressman Harris serves on the House Labor, Health and Human Services, and Education Subcommittee (Labor HHS) and will be a key decisionmaker about the future of library funding. He needs to hear from you about the importance of federal funding for libraries.

Please call Representative Andy Harris today at (202) 225-5311 and say:

  • I am a constituent calling about the Labor-HHS-Education Appropriations bill.
  • Please support libraries in our community by preserving funding for the Library Services and Technology Act and the Innovative Approaches to Literacy program.
  • Full funding protects nearly $3 million (FY18) for Maryland. Those funds provide library services to children, families, veterans, small businesses, job seekers, and many others across our state.
  • Please support at least $189 million for LSTA and $27 million for IAL.

By calling together on the same day, we can make a biggest impact on Capitol Hill. Please take five minutes to call today– and help us protect over $210 million that strengthens America’s libraries.

With your support, last year we increased funding for LSTA and protected IAL funding, even though the White House called to eliminate them. But each year is a new year, and we have to continue to show up for our libraries. Your Representative is a critical vote for libraries nationwide – please call today.

To help even more, after you made your call please post on social media (#FundLibraries) or email a quick note to Kevin Maher (

Thank you in advance for your advocacy efforts!


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