Posts Tagged 'IMLS'

Continuing Resolution keeps federal government funded until April 8th

On Friday, President Obama signed another Continuing Resolution (CR) that was passed earlier in the week by the House and then the Senate.  This bill will fund the federal government until April 8th and is the sixth CR for the FY 2011 budget year.  The bill includes $6 billion in cuts, but it does not appear that the cuts impact the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) or Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding.  Both houses of Congress are in recess for the next week.

Webinar on federal funding and budget process

The American Library Association (ALA) Washington Office will offer a free webinar on the federal budget process, federal funds for libraries and how best to advocate for these funds.  The webinar will be held on Wednesday, March 16th from 2-3pm.  For additional information and a link to register, see the District Dispatch posting.

Continuing Resolution extends federal budget until March 18th

A Continuing Resolution (CR) passed in both the House and the Senate and was signed into law by the president on Wednesday.  The CR keeps the federal government funded for another two weeks until March 18th, avoiding a federal government shut down and allowing more time for Congress to pass a budget for the rest of FY 2011.  The CR does include $4 billion in cuts, but they do not affect funding for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) or Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).

The Senate is still working on their own verso i the CR that was passed by the House to fund the federal government until September 30th, the end of FY 2011.  It is still important to contact Senators and ask them to maintain the 2010 funding for both LSTA and the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries (ILTSL) program.  See the earlier blog posting for information on the Action Alert.

Action Alert! Ask Senate to maintain LSTA and ILTSL funding

Last week, the House passed a Continuing Resolution (HR 1) to fund the rest of FY 2011.  While the Continuing Resolution does include a continuation of funding for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), including the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA), it zeroed out funding for the Improving Literacy Through School Libraries (ILTSL) program.

The Senate is now drafting their own version of the Continuing Resolution.  Please contact Senator Mikulski and Senator Cardin and ask them to maintain the 2010 funding for both LSTA and ILTSL.  A list of how LSTA funding is used in Maryland is available.  For additional talking points, and to take advantage of the pre-written letter, check out the Capwiz Action Alert.

If you prefer to call, the phone numbers are:

  • Senator Mikulski – 202-224-4654
  • Senator Cardin – 202-224-4524

The current Continuing Resolution is set to expire on March 4th, so this will likely move quickly.  Thank you in advance for your advocacy efforts with the Senate on these important issues!

Amendment #35 to cut IMLS & LSTA defeated in House!

The Amendment #35 to HR 1, the Continuing Resolution to the FY2011 budget, was defeated!  Representative Garrett (R-NJ), who introduced the amendment has indicated that he will not push for a vote on the amendment.  This means that funding for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), including Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funds, will remain intact for the rest of FY2011.  For more details, please see the District Dispatch posting.

Thank you to everyone who contacted their representative to voice your opinion about this critical cut!

Action Alert! URGENT: Action needed on IMLS funding & FISA orders for libraries


2/17/2011 UPDATE – Amendment #35 (IMLS & LSTA budget cut) defeated!  View the update.

2/18/2011 UPDATE – Conyers Amendment (#524, PATRIOT Act revision to halt funding to FISA orders for library and bookstore records) was also defeated.  View the update.


Congress is now working on a Continuing Resolution for the FY2011 budget.  The current Continuing Resolution for the FY2011 budget is set to expire on March 4th.  There are two amendments that impact libraries that require action: 

  1. IMLS & LSTA funding – Amendment #35 would eliminate all funding for the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), including Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding.  Please contact your representative in the House and ask him/her to OPPOSE Amendment #35.  What does a total loss of LSTA funding mean for Maryland?  The staff at the Division of Library Development and Services (DLDS) will be cut in half.  There will be no grant money for the Summer Reading Club and AskUsNow.  You can view a complete list of what Maryland will lose.

  3. Funding for FISA orders seeking library and bookstore records – Conyers’ amendment would halt all funding for these Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) orders.  Please contact your representative in the House and ask him/her to SUPPORT this amendment.

Please contact your representative regarding these two amendments.  A Capwiz Action Alert is available, including more details and talking points.  It also includes a pre-written letter that you may edit to personalize the message.  Feel free to use the complete list to show the impact a total loss of LSTA funding would have on Maryland’s libraries.

Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide!

FY12 Budget proposal includes IMLS cut, ILTSL consolidation

According to the District Dispatch, President Obama released his FY2012 budget proposal on Monday.  (Not to be confused with Congress’ current work on a Continuing Resolution for the FY2011 budget!)  There are two areas of concern:

  1. IMLS assistance to libraries – The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) funding for assistance to libraries was cut by about $20 million to a total of $194 million.
  2. ILTSL – Improving Literacy Through School Libraries (ILTSL) is also consolidated with a few other literacy programs, as was proposed last year.

Additional information will be made available after further analysis.

Susan Hildreth confirmed as IMLS Director

The Senate confirmed by unanimous consent the nomination of Susan Hildreth as the Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS).  For more details, please see the announcement from the Public Library Association (PLA).

Please feel free to contact Senators Mikulski and Cardin to thank them for their support.  You can use Capwiz to do so.

Museum & Library Services Act passes in House, moves on to President

On Tuesday, the House passed the Museum & Library Services Act (MLSA), S 3984, by a voice vote.  It is now on its way to the President, who is expected to sign it into law.  This means that the Institute of Museum & Library Services (IMLS) will be able to continue its work and the Library Services & Technology Act (LSTA) will remain funded at the current authorization levels.  For more details, see the District Dispatch posting.

Thank you to everyone who contacted legislators asking for their support.  Please feel free to contact legislators to say thank you either by phone or using Capwiz.

Action Alert Update! Museum & Library Services Act, S 3984

The House is scheduled to vote on S 3984 tomorrow, Tuesday, December 14th.  This bill will authorize the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) and the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA).  It appears that the bill will be taken up under suspension of the rules, which means that it will need a two-thirds vote to pass.

Thank you to everyone who has already contacted their Representative.  If you have not yet done so, see the earlier blog posting for more details and information on contacting your Representative by phone or e-mail.

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